Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees and people working on our sites or under our management is a keystone of our sustainability goals.
In addition, achieving high levels of pro-active health and safety standards contributes to customer satisfaction, business results and employee motivation.

Hariz Group operates, this policy seeks to

All managers are responsible for ensuring that Hariz Group health and safety policy is communicated, understood, implemented and maintained throughout the Group.

Our health policy includes but is not limited to:

To ensure the provision of adequate medical attention in the event of failing health during and after the course of our staff’s work and provision adequate standby first aid services in the event of any unwanted accidents.

Carry-out medical examinations on a regular basis as required by law, and ensure strict confidentially of such medical information

We identify all health hazards within the place of work and thereby educate our staff properly and adequately to ensure health safety.

Conduct due diligence where we envisage any occupational health hazard, with a view of reducing occurrences of ill health among staff.


Safety training are provided to employee on a regular basis in First aid, fire prevention, accident prevention, etc.

We ensure that all our equipment pass periodical certification tests, before they are put to use.

We ensure that our staff obey all guidelines pertaining to safety clothing and footwear. In addition to this, consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco during work hours and on our premises is strictly prohibited.

Working emergency switches and fire alarms are placed in strategic and easily accessible locations in and around our manufacturing complexes nationwide.

At the Hariz Group, we know we have a responsibility to take care of our planet and preserve its beauty, resources and strength for future generations.

In order to achieve this, we set high standards for our operating companies in the area of environmental responsibility, with special focus in the area of waste disposal.